Microbial Cell Biology
Structure of the Legionella Dot/Icm type IV secretion system in situ by electron cryotomography
EMBO Reports
Ghosal D, Chang Y-W, Jeong KC, Vogel JP, Jensen GJ
Ghosal D, Chang Y-W, Jeong KC, Vogel JP, Jensen GJ
Progress and Potential of Electron Cryotomography as Illustrated by Its Application to Bacterial Chemoreceptor Arrays
Annual Review of Biophysics
Briegel A, Jensen G
Briegel A, Jensen G
Polyphosphate granule biogenesis is temporally and functionally tied to cell cycle exit during starvation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Racki LR, Tocheva EI, Dieterle MG, Sullivan MC, Jensen GJ, Newman DK
Racki LR, Tocheva EI, Dieterle MG, Sullivan MC, Jensen GJ, Newman DK
Architecture of the Vibrio cholerae toxin-coregulated pilus machine revealed by electron cryotomography
Nature Microbiology
Chang Y-W, Kjaer A, Ortega DR, Kovacikova G, Sutherland JA, Rettberg LA, Taylor RK, Jensen GJ
Chang Y-W, Kjaer A, Ortega DR, Kovacikova G, Sutherland JA, Rettberg LA, Taylor RK, Jensen GJ
Dynamics of the peptidoglycan biosynthetic machinery in the stalked budding bacterium Hyphomonas neptunium
Molecular Microbiology
Cserti E, Rosskopf S, Chang Y-W, Eisheuer S, Selter L, Shi J, Regh C, Koert U, Jensen GJ, Thanbichler M
Cserti E, Rosskopf S, Chang Y-W, Eisheuer S, Selter L, Shi J, Regh C, Koert U, Jensen GJ, Thanbichler M
Starvation and recovery in the deep-sea methanotroph Methyloprofundus sedimenti
Molecular Microbiology
Tavormina PL+, Kellermann MY, Antony CP, Tocheva E, Dalleska N, Jensen AJ, Valentine DL, Hinrichs KU, Jensen G, Dubilier N, Orphan VJ
Tavormina PL+, Kellermann MY, Antony CP, Tocheva E, Dalleska N, Jensen AJ, Valentine DL, Hinrichs KU, Jensen G, Dubilier N, Orphan VJ
Chemotaxis cluster 1 proteins form cytoplasmic arrays in Vibrio cholerae and are stabilized by a double signaling domain receptor DosM
Briegel A+, Ortega DR, Mann P, Kjaer A, Ringgaard S, Jensen GJ+
Briegel A+, Ortega DR, Mann P, Kjaer A, Ringgaard S, Jensen GJ+
Sporulation, bacterial cell envelopes, and the origin of life
Nature Reviews Microbiology
Tocheva EI+, Ortega DR, Jensen GJ+
Tocheva EI+, Ortega DR, Jensen GJ+
Phylogenomic analysis of Candidatus ‘Izimaplasma’ species: free-living representatives from a Tenericutes clade found in methane seeps
ISME Journal
Skennerton CT+, Haroon MF, Briegel A, Shi J, Jensen GJ, Tyson GW, Orphan VJ
Skennerton CT+, Haroon MF, Briegel A, Shi J, Jensen GJ, Tyson GW, Orphan VJ
Diverse high-torque bacterial flagellar motors assemble wider stator rings using a conserved protein scaffold
Beeby M, Ribardo DA, Brennan CA, Ruby EG, Jensen GJ, Hendrixson DR
Beeby M, Ribardo DA, Brennan CA, Ruby EG, Jensen GJ, Hendrixson DR
Architecture of the type IVa pilus machine
Chang Y-W, Rettberg LA, Treuner-Lange A, Iwasa J, Sogaard-Andersen L, Jensen GJ
Chang Y-W, Rettberg LA, Treuner-Lange A, Iwasa J, Sogaard-Andersen L, Jensen GJ
A new view into prokaryotic cell biology from electron cryotomography
Nature Reviews Microbiology
Oikonomou CM, Chang Y-W, Jensen GJ
Oikonomou CM, Chang Y-W, Jensen GJ
Dynamic Remodeling of the Magnetosome Membrane Is Triggered by the Initiation of Biomineralization
Cornejo E, Subramanian P, Li Z, Jensen GJ, Komeili A
Cornejo E, Subramanian P, Li Z, Jensen GJ, Komeili A
Coarse-grained simulations of bacterial cell wall growth reveal that local coordination alone can be sufficient to maintain rod shape
Nguyen LT, Gumbart JC, Beeby M, Jensen GJ
Nguyen LT, Gumbart JC, Beeby M, Jensen GJ
Structural conservation of chemotaxis machinery across Archaea and Bacteria
Environmental Microbiology Reports
Briegel A, Ortega DR, Huang AN, Oikonomou CM, Gunsalus RP, Jensen GJ
Briegel A, Ortega DR, Huang AN, Oikonomou CM, Gunsalus RP, Jensen GJ
Streptomyces: a screening tool for bacterial cell division inhibitors
Journal of Biomolecular Screening
Jani C, Tocheva EI, McAuley S, Craney A, Jensen GJ, Nodwell J
Jani C, Tocheva EI, McAuley S, Craney A, Jensen GJ, Nodwell J
Ultrastructure and complex polar architecture of the human pathogen Campylobacter jejuni
Microbiology Open
Müller A, Beeby M, McDowall AW, Chow J, Jensen GJ, Clemons WM Jr.
Müller A, Beeby M, McDowall AW, Chow J, Jensen GJ, Clemons WM Jr.
Correlated cryogenic photoactivated localization microscopy and cryo-electron tomography
Nature Methods
Chang YW, Chen S, Tocheva EI, Treuner-Lange A, Löbach S, Søgaard-Andersen L, Jensen GJ
Chang YW, Chen S, Tocheva EI, Treuner-Lange A, Löbach S, Søgaard-Andersen L, Jensen GJ
Structure of bacterial cytoplasmic chemoreceptor arrays and implications for chemotactic signaling
Briegel A, Ladinsky MS, Oikonomou C, Jones CW, Harris MJ, Fowler DJ, Chang YW, Thompson LK, Armitage JP, Jensen GJ
Briegel A, Ladinsky MS, Oikonomou C, Jones CW, Harris MJ, Fowler DJ, Chang YW, Thompson LK, Armitage JP, Jensen GJ
Escherichia coli peptidoglycan structure and mechanics as predicted by atomic-scale simulations
PLOS Computational Biology
Gumbart JC+, Beeby M, Jensen GJ, Roux B+
Gumbart JC+, Beeby M, Jensen GJ, Roux B+
New insights into bacterial chemoreceptor array structure and assembly from electron cryotomography
Briegel A, Wong ML, Hodges HL, Oikonomou CM, Piasta KN, Harris MJ, Fowler DJ, Thompson LK, Falke JJ, Kiessling LL, Jensen GJ
Briegel A, Wong ML, Hodges HL, Oikonomou CM, Piasta KN, Harris MJ, Fowler DJ, Thompson LK, Falke JJ, Kiessling LL, Jensen GJ
Structure and expression of propanediol utilization microcompartments in Acetonema longum
Journal of Bacteriology
Tocheva EI, Matson EG, Cheng SN, Chen WG, Leadbetter JR, Jensen GJ
Tocheva EI, Matson EG, Cheng SN, Chen WG, Leadbetter JR, Jensen GJ
Marine tubeworm metamorphosis induced by arrays of bacterial phage tail-like structures
Shikuma NJ*, Pilhofer M*, Weiss GL, Hadfield MG+, Jensen GJ+, Newman DK+
Shikuma NJ*, Pilhofer M*, Weiss GL, Hadfield MG+, Jensen GJ+, Newman DK+
Discovery of chlamydial peptidoglycan reveals bacteria with murein sacculi but without FtsZ
Nature Communications
Pilhofer M*, Aistleitner K*, Biboy J, Gray J, Kuru E, Hall E, Brun YV, VanNieuwenhze MS, Vollmer W, Horn M+, Jensen GJ+
Pilhofer M*, Aistleitner K*, Biboy J, Gray J, Kuru E, Hall E, Brun YV, VanNieuwenhze MS, Vollmer W, Horn M+, Jensen GJ+
Architecture and host interface of environmental chlamydiae revealed by electron cryotomography
Environmental Microbiology
Pilhofer M*, Aistleitner K*, Ladinsky MS, König L, Horn M+, Jensen GJ+
Pilhofer M*, Aistleitner K*, Ladinsky MS, König L, Horn M+, Jensen GJ+