The structure of FtsZ filaments in vivo suggests a force-generating role in cell division
The EMBO Journal
Li Z, Trimble MJ, Brun YV, Jensen GJ
Li Z, Trimble MJ, Brun YV, Jensen GJ
3-D ultrastructure of O. tauri: electron cryotomography of an entire eukaryotic cell
PLoS One
Henderson GP, Gan L, Jensen GJ
Henderson GP, Gan L, Jensen GJ
The structure of isolated Synechococcus strain WH8102 carboxysomes as revealed by electron cryotomography
Journal of Molecular Biology
Iancu CV, Ding HJ, Morris DM, Dias DP, Gonzales AD, Martino A, Jensen GJ
Iancu CV, Ding HJ, Morris DM, Dias DP, Gonzales AD, Martino A, Jensen GJ
How electron cryotomography is opening a new window onto prokaryotic ultrastructure
Current Opinion in Structural Biology
Jensen GJ, Briegel A
Jensen GJ, Briegel A
Electron cryotomography of immature HIV-1 virions reveals the structure of the CA and SP1 Gag shells
The EMBO Journal
Wright ER*, Schooler JB*, Ding HJ, Kieffer C, Fillmore C, Sundquist WI, Jensen GJ
Wright ER*, Schooler JB*, Ding HJ, Kieffer C, Fillmore C, Sundquist WI, Jensen GJ
Haloquadratum walsbyi gen. nov., sp. nov., the square haloarchaeon of Walsby, isolated from saltern crystallizers in Australia and Spain
Int'l Journal of Systematic & Evolutionary Microbiology
Burns DG, Janssen PH, Itoh T, Kamekura M, Li Z, Jensen G, Rodriguez-Valera F, Bolhuis H, Dyall-Smith ML
Burns DG, Janssen PH, Itoh T, Kamekura M, Li Z, Jensen G, Rodriguez-Valera F, Bolhuis H, Dyall-Smith ML
In situ structure of the complete Treponema primitia flagellar motor
Murphy GE, Leadbetter JR, Jensen GJ
Murphy GE, Leadbetter JR, Jensen GJ
Multiple large filament bundles observed in Caulobacter crescentus by electron cryotomography
Molecular Microbiology
Briegel A, Dias DP, Li Z, Jensen RB, Frangakis AS, Jensen GJ
Briegel A, Dias DP, Li Z, Jensen RB, Frangakis AS, Jensen GJ
Electron cryotomography sample preparation using the Vitrobot
Nature Protobols
Iancu CV, Tivol WF, Schooler JB, Dias DP, Henderson GP, Murphy GE, Wright ER, Li Z, Yu Z, Briegel A, Gan L, He Y, Jensen GJ
Iancu CV, Tivol WF, Schooler JB, Dias DP, Henderson GP, Murphy GE, Wright ER, Li Z, Yu Z, Briegel A, Gan L, He Y, Jensen GJ