Three-dimensional structure of Mycoplasma pneumoniae’s attachment organelle and a model for its role in gliding motility
Molecular Microbiology
Henderson GP, Jensen GJ
Henderson GP, Jensen GJ
Rigid, specific, and discrete gold nanoparticle/antibody conjugates
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Ackerson CJ, Jadzinsky PD, Jensen GJ, Kornberg RD
Ackerson CJ, Jadzinsky PD, Jensen GJ, Kornberg RD
Observations on the behavior of vitreous ice at approximately 82 and approximately 12 K
Journal of Structural Biology
Wright ER*, Iancu CV*, Tivol WF, Jensen GJ
Wright ER*, Iancu CV*, Tivol WF, Jensen GJ
A comparison of liquid nitrogen and liquid helium as cryogens for electron cryotomography
Journal of Structural Biology
Iancu CV, Wright ER, Heymann JB, Jensen GJ
Iancu CV, Wright ER, Heymann JB, Jensen GJ
Magnetosomes are cell membrane invaginations organized by the actin-like protein MamK
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Komeili A*+, Li Z*, Newman DK, Jensen GJ